Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

ANR Movida

Participants : Olivier Barais, Jean-Marc Jézéquel.

Movida is an ANR project which goal is to provide a solution for modeling view in system engineering and to provide decision support for architects. Today, and likely for a long time to come, the complexity of software dominant systems is still growing and the variety of system classes tends to expand. From embedded systems which are required to cope with spare resources, to system of systems for which the evolvability and flexibility is key, requirements classes are expanding. In addition new concerns or more stringent existing concerns bring their extra complexity. They are environmental concerns, maintenance, repair and operation (MRO) concerns, supply management concerns etc. All of them play today an active or even sometime decisive role in the engineering decision process. The difficulty to embrace the whole complexity of the concerns and the difficulty to manage their inter-relations has raised the interest of the engineering community for "concerns driven" engineering. This is addressed today in the model driven engineering research community through the exploration of "viewpoint modelling" technologies. The aim of the MOVIDA project is to provide a support to model-driven viewpoint engineering through:

  • Defining and specifying the underlying concepts that must be shared and used when implementing an engineering solution supporting viewpoint management.

  • Providing a support to the definition of specific viewpoints, enabling their composition in a consistent whole that fits a specific project needs.

  • Managing the consistency of an information bulk made of several views on a system which is accessed, modified and managed by different stakeholders during the system definition process.

  • Applying decision-support tools to multi-viewpoint modeling frameworks so as to support architectural trade-offs.

Triskell mainly works this year on a tool to support software product line derivation for viewpoint modeling. We also works on the CVL standard. We present a tutorial on MOVIDA studio at the french conference IDM this year.

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

184 keuros

Number of person/years:


Project Coordinator:



Thales, OBEO, Université Paris 6, INRIA (Triskell)